Wednesday, October 5, 2011
To lose 10 kilos in 2 weeks is not easy to make an adjustment. Success is never guaranteed when a large weight loss and quickly try. That said, it is possible to achieve this goal and I hope that the strategy in this article helps you do just that.
However, before giving this strategy should be aware that this type of rapid weight loss, although possible, is not so simple maintain in the future. I think you need for your system to eliminate some pounds fast loss for you to have any hope to lose 10 kilos in 2 weeks and this can only be done with a weight loss plan to detoxification.
A detox diet is to reduce calories drastically, consumption of most of them in the form of fruit juices. This will help cleanse your body of toxins and contaminants and to shed a large number of kilos quickly. It is a long-term because much of it is water weight and not a change in lifestyle real, but can have many health benefits, including rapid weight loss.

I do not think that only a detox diet can help you lose 10 kilos in 2 weeks. It's a bit too much to expect that to happen. However, you can get get close to that mark and that's nothing to feel bad. Your detox diet should not be followed by more than a week, as such, a low-calorie plan is not healthy to keep for so long.
Once out of detox diet, you should take a day of eating regularly to feed your body (which will be the food of desire) to get on with your quest to lose 10 kilos. To try and throw the rest of the weight you want out, you will need to focus on high intensity cardio. It also recommended strengthening exercises, but for a short period of time, cardiovascular exercise is often more effective.

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